Why is it important to support small farmers?
Better Quality and Better Taste
When you buy locally you are buying food that is not only fresh but that has been carefully and thoughtfully produced. Smaller farms, with more sustainable practices yield food that has more robust characteristics and superior nutrition. Why buy flavorless food that has been shipped from thousands of miles away when you can be eating fresh, nutrient dense and flavorful food from your local family farm?
Better for the Animals and the Environment
Our all natural meats are antibiotic free and, unlike large corporate feed lots, all of our meats are sourced from humanely raised animals that are cared for and allowed to roam freely on small family farms. Food typically has traveled almost 1500 miles by the time it arrives to your home. Not only are pollution emissions reduced by buying locally but packaging is also reduced.
Better for Local Farmers and Staying Connected to Your Food
When you buy from a local farm you are helping to sustain the livelihoods of many including the farmers and their support staff, as well as the varied businesses that work in tandem in helping the small family farm to operate. Because farmers are passionate about creating quality products, farmers are interested in your feedback so that they can partner with you when deciding what foods to produce. Farmers actually listen! Because you have the opportunity to connect with your local farmer, you are buying food that you know where it comes from. No mystery farms or sources here, only locally grown and honestly raised products.
Better for Your Community and Local Economy
Farmers are an integral part of any community. Not only do they provide an essential service but they live next door, play in the same parks, & participate in same community institutions just like you do. It is in the innate nature of a farmer to give back which means that farmers and other local businesses tend to donate to charitable causes at a rate that is more than twice that of national chains. And, when you buy locally you help to nurture home grown businesses that are unique to your community. The more that you support your local businesses the more unique your community becomes. Buying locally puts money right back into the local economy. For every $100 you spend at locally owned businesses, $68 stays in your community. For every $100 spent at a national chain, only $43 dollars stays in your community. And, when you wisely buy locally you are also helping to support local co-ops, farmers markets and grocers that carry our products as well as other small businesses and producers.
Better Peace of Mind
When you buy Stone Cross Farm products you have peace of mind in knowing exactly where your food comes from. You have peace of mind in knowing that our products are all natural and antibiotic free, that our animals are thoughtfully and humanely raised, that our products are fresh and flavorful and that all of our products are produced by a family who is passionate about what we do and passionate about you, their customers.

Leeta Kennedy with new livestock
protectors Sherman and Ellie Mae

Blessed are the cheesemakers at
Cloverdale Creamery

OMG, double rainbow!!